Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Welcome to the World

We'd like to introduce the newest addition to the Fawcett household. On August 24th at 7:37 pm, William Nathan Fawcett (who will be called Will) joined our family. He weighed in at 8 lbs 5 oz and was 21 inches long. Today marks 2 weeks that he's been with us and we could never have imagined how he would change our lives....and we love it.
Today I took him to his 2 week check up and he now weighs 9 lbs 7 oz and is 21 1/4 inches long. He's growing up so fast! I just wanted to share some pictures that my sister in law Aimee took while she was here visiting. I would have posted his hospital pictures first, but they aren't downloaded to my computer yet. It will happen, just not today. I posted a picture similar to this BYU one on Facebook, but I decided to document it on the blog as well, cause that's what Nate would want. Here they are, watching the 1st BYU football game of the season. He's hoping to create a new die hard BYU fan. I think we need to get some Aggie gear as side of the family is no doubt thinking the same thing!
On Sunday, we went to a park and did a few pictures. He loved being outside and was very content almost the whole time we were there. Remember, I said almost. I just had to put this one in cause I think he's cute even when he's screaming. But I am his mom. I'm so happy he's finally here! I see new things about him everyday and I can't wait to keep getting to know him better. Sorry folks, this may officially have turned into a Mommy blog. I just can't myself :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hanging out in wheat fields and barns while pregnant

I decided to go along with the trend of the day and do some maternity pictures. My friend at the salon, Andrea Christiansen took these for me. I figured I'd better put them on the blog before Will got here, otherwise, I knew it would never happen.

Out with the old, in with the new

Warning****this post is a little cheesy, but I had to do it.

As I come to the end of my pregnancy, I can't believe the day is almost here! I am being induced tomorrow and I have so many thoughts, I figured I should put a few of them down. First of all, I look at my maternity picture below and almost have to laugh that I thought I looked pregnant! I had absolutely no idea how huge I would actually get! I need to post some real maternity picures, but that might have to wait.

As this week has been wrapping up, Nate and I have talked about all the 'lasts' we are about to face. This is the last time we can go to a sit down restaurant for a while, this is the last movie we'll go to in a long time, this is the last time we'll be able to sleep in, the last time we'll go to bed alone and sleep all night, the last time we can go see my mom in Music and the Spoken Word, the last time we can hang out with friends alone or without a babysitter. And the list goes on.

There was a time in my life that all of these lasts would bring on a little bit of sadness, but I can honestly say that I'm ready to put this behind me, especially when I think about all the firsts we're about to encounter. The 'first' that I'm looking forward to the most right now? The first time I see my baby boy. The first cry, the first time I hold him, the first time I see Nate hold him, the first time we bring him home, his first laugh and smile(is first starting to sound like a weird word to anyone else?)

I have to admit that there are some firsts that kind of scare me. The first time he cries all night, the first time my mom and Nate are gone and I'm alone with him all day, the first time he's sick, the first day I go back to work and leave him, the day he enters the MTC....I'm jumping ahead.

This is such an exciting time for me. Today was actually my last day to sleep in and I was wide awake at 6 am. I'm thinking about him and what this new phase of life will bring us. I have no idea what to expect, but I am looking forward to this! Sometimes I think 33(34 in a few days) is old to begin motherhood, but when I really think about it, I wouldn't have it any other way. I think having to wait this long has been a good thing for me. Back when I was 18, I probably would have died if someone had told me I would have to wait this long to be a mom. Today, I am totally ok with it. And tomorrow, I think I will be even better with it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Does this count as an excuse?

I am completely aware that it's not important to anyone but me that our Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve and everything in between have gone undocumented. I feel bad about it! However, I feel that I have a pretty good excuse. Observe.

I haven't been at the top of my game as of late. Nausea and complete exhaustion have been my constant companion for the past three and half months. When I get home from work, I head straight for the couch and promptly fall asleep. Hence, blogging and cooking have been at the bottom of my priority list. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. Nate and I couldn't be more thrilled to be adding a new person to our family in August somewhere between the 16th and 18th.( we haven't been given the official date yet) I'll be 14 weeks on Feb 15th...which happens to be tomorrow. Another thing to be happy about is that I'll be in my second trimester and I've never felt better! I feel very thankful and I can't wait to be a mom!